At Move the Needle Consulting we firmly believe that one size does not fit all. While our approach is disciplined, our assessments and recommendations vary widely from one company to another. We work with healthy organizations that need to make smal…

At Move the Needle Consulting, LLC we firmly believe that one size does not fit all. While our approach is disciplined, our assessments and recommendations vary widely from one healthcare company to another. We work with startups, healthy organizations that need to make small adjustments and have their strategies challenged, and unhealthy organizations that need an extreme functional and behavioral makeover. We’ve been influenced by some like Patrick Lencioni and The Ideal Team Player, along with Marcus Buckingham and First, Break all the Rules. But our philosophy has been most firmly shaped by over three decades of working in the real world for, and with, large and small companies, both public and private.

At the end of the day, organizations are all about people and leadership. A machine might fail and cause temporary headaches for a few, but if a leader has lost their way it can cause turmoil, dysfunction and dissension for the masses. In either case, we’re here to help and look forward to meeting and working with you and those that labor with you. We don’t just talk about it, we have lived it. Our mission is to help your company get better and consistently improve performance. In addition, our style is to actively engage employees and work diligently to make the workplace enjoyable again!


Geoff Heppes Principal and CEO Move the Needle Consulting, LLC